Update #156
Updates on wrapping up and moving out from Toronto Estonian House on Broadview
Tours at the "Lääst Blääst" celebration will take you to parts of Eesti Maja that you may not have seen, like this ingenious and charming door weight in one of the boiler rooms!
As 2022/23 activities start up, those in Toronto’s Estonian House (“EH”) are ending very soon. As such a few updates are in order:
Final celebration and commemoration

The final event for Estonian House is slated for October 1, 2022. Billed as the “Lääst Blääst”, it will bring together young and old, from near and afar, to celebrate all that the community created at this address, and all the Estonian House gave back to the community. Come record your memories of Estonian House, and celebrate with friends and some great music. Over 650 tickets have been sold and nearing capacity – at time of writing, the few remaining tickets can be purchased via the KESKUS website and an increase to capacity is being explored so that all who wish to attend, can. Please follow KESKUS on social (handles below) for updates on more tickets.
Want to buy some ... stuff?
Have you had your eye on something in EH? Items in Estonian House that do not have community or cultural attachment will be sold on the online auction site www.maxsold.com, in two separate auctions being scheduled to end October 6 and October 13, 2022 – checking back on that site for the sale, items will be available for bidding for approx. 7 days before closing, with pickup dates shortly thereafter.
Want to buy items with community or cultural attachment?
Estonian House will be offering community and culturally related items that are not of archival value but are nevertheless of sentimental and practical value to community members (think Eesti Kooli toolid!). This will take place on the evening of October 11 (1700-2000h) and late morning/midday on October 12 (1030-1330h). If your organization has stock, inventory, items that you'd like to offer to the community either for sale or giveaway (and that your organization will attend to set up, sell and dispose of unsold items after the sale), please advise Ingrid Laar, General Manager via info@estohouse.com or 416.461.7963.
Your items in EH
Organizations (or individuals) who have items in EH must schedule their access to EH with Ingrid Laar. Given the numerous workstreams currently underway, it is much appreciated that other than as prior agreed with Ingrid, all items being stored at Estonian House will remain where they are until after the October 1 event.
After October 1, 2022, the work to empty the house after 62 years will be continued, with scheduling via Ingrid at all times. Security is increased and camera footage monitored to ensure an orderly and smooth completion of this workstream.
Donations made
As part of the clear-out, Estonian House in Toronto is donating certain useful and significant items to Seedrioru, Jõekääru and Kotkajärve, which are camp properties outside of Toronto. For example, the wood chandelier in the south foyer of EH between the Grand Hall and Crystal Hall will find a new home in the centre of the main hall of Seedrioru. Each of Jõekääru, Kotkajärve and Seedrioru have selected kitchen equipment to help kit out their facilities.
In this stage of our community’s transition to KESKUS International Estonian Centre, now under construction, this is an opportunity to look at physical possessions, declutter, and move forward with what is needed. It is a tall order to be sure, but together we’ll get through this phase. Organizations should write to uuskodu@estoniancentre.ca with any questions regarding storage and other transition questions regarding KESKUS and check their spam filters to be sure that emails are coming through.
KESKUS valued donors make a critical difference
Please join our growing list of capital campaign donors to take KESKUS construction through to opening! The KESKUS International Estonian Centre’s donor categories are Kalevipoja laud for gifts over $100,000 (including naming rights for specific areas), Koidula gild, which is from $50,000-99,999, Viru vanemad for gifts of $10,000-$49,999, and Kungla rahvas for gifts up to $10,000.
To make a donation, please call +1.647.250.7136 or email donations@estoniancentre.ca. Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All Canadian, Estonian and U.S. donations will be issued a tax receipt.KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.
To follow the construction journey and for KESKUS updates:
Visit the KESKUS website and subscribe to the monthly newsletter:
Facebook @EestiKeskus, Twitter @keskus, Instagram @keskus.iec