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Estonia's diaspora: Veiko Parming's reflections on the 1944 Mass Flight

Update # 227

Thoughtful reflections on Estonians' Mass Flight 80 years ago (subtitled)

September 2024 marks 80 years since the Mass Flight of 1944 from Estonia. Veiko Parming gave a thoughtful, insightful speech on September 22, 2024, at Hamilton's First Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation on the last effects of that upheaval. This congregation is a generous donor to KESKUS, about which you can read more here.

Veiko Parming is President of Estonian House in Toronto Ltd., and Vice-Chair of Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS and of International Estonian Centre Inc., the entity building KESKUS for the benefit of EAC.

What diaspora Estonians are called has been of some debate. "I agree, that 'outside Estonians' can give the impression that they're foreign," Canadian-born Veiko said, "although I can honestly say that, personally, this term ("välis-eestlased") doesn't even bother me that much, in the sense that we are outside the homeland."

Veiko continues: "In my opinion, even more important is the average person's knowledge and attitude: how these people got there, what they did for Estonia then and what they are doing now. And similarly, for Estonians abroad, having an understanding of Estonia as it is today. It is in these areas that I see quite a lot of reliance on certain outdated beliefs, or in many cases gaps in knowledge altogether. I personally see that there is still a lot of potential for Estonians abroad to be of great benefit to Estonia. I think that this does not only come down to politics, but also, very importantly, the ideas and views of average people."

The Estonian diaspora is alive and well, thriving with construction of KESKUS now looking at the countdown clock to opening. Read more about this month's construction update here. And please, give to the best of your ability to support this generational project.


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