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IEC project team delivers news of positive progress

Updated: Nov 19, 2019

ECP Update #65

Meeting with Estonian School teachers on November 5, 2019.

The International Estonian Centre (IEC) project team provided an in-person briefing to both teachers and community members Nov. 5 at the Estonian House café on the solid way in which the development is moving forward.

Estonian House president Veiko Parming welcomed all who attended, and IEC project manager David Kalm and architect Alar Kongats outlined steady progress on all fronts. The team met first with Estonian School teachers to brief them on their specific needs and to answer questions.

Project Architect Alar Kongats

“The school will become the heart of the facility,” said Alar, noting that a large library, flexible classroom space, a dedicated storage area, and a music room will comprise the school’s layout. He said the design process is moving very well and showed a number of new renderings of the various features of the IEC.

“The capital campaign is making excellent progress.” David said. “A total of $6.2 million has been pledged. We are incredibly grateful to the donors who have stepped forward.”

Updates regarding charitable status, and the ability to make donations prior to year end is pending very soon. The team continues to work with Revera, the retirement home company that has purchased the Estonian House property (re-zoning of the land parcel is ongoing). David noted Revera has assembled an excellent team of professionals to guide the planning and development of the project.


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