Updated #72

This past week was an exciting one for the International Estonian Centre: the technical drawings have now been submitted to the City of Toronto to secure the building permit for the Centre.
"This is a significant milestone," says Ellen Valter, chair of the IEC steering committee, "the project just got that much closer to putting a shovel in the ground! It has, frankly, been a complex process and I'm over the moon that we've crossed that threshold. Thank you not just to David Kalm, Project Manager, and Alar Kongats, Architect, for their perseverance in getting all of the pieces of the puzzle into place, but also to each and every donor to the capital campaign whose contributions energize the project."
Come out to IEC’s next Community Engagement Session on March 10 for a sneak peek at the building materials that will highlight its modern Nordic design. The design team has been hard at work finding just the right materials for the building’s interior and exterior including cladding, plaza paving, walls, floor and ceiling. Alar will describe what the designers have been looking at and bring actual material samples that everyone can see and touch.
Bringing the new centre to life at the session will be a virtual reality tour that takes viewers through a lifelike representation of the IEC’s interior space, including the Grand Hall, the main performance and ballroom space for the new centre.
“Everything is really taking shape now,” Alar noted. “This is a very exciting time in the design process, where we are able to show the community just how the new space will look and feel.”
Please come out for this informative session.
Date and time: Tuesday, March 10 at 7 p.m.
Where: Main Hall (Suur Saal) Estonian House, 958 Broadview Ave., Toronto
Get involved and help support our future
The International Estonian Centre’s capital campaign donor categories are Kalevipoja Laud for gifts over $100,000 (including naming rights for specific areas), Viru Vanemad for gifts over $10,000, and Kungla Rahvas for gifts up to $10,000. Stay tuned for the launch of the Kungla Rahvas campaign in 2020.
To make a donation, please contact Urve Tamberg at donations@estoniancentre.ca. Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All Canadian and U.S. donations will be issued a tax receipt.
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