Update/Teade #146
Roundup of recent Estonian news channels' reports on KESKUS project
KESKUS International Estonian Centre has been in the news in Estonia, in both English and Estonian, as the project moves from groundbreaking on April 8, 2022 into the first phase of construction. /// Eesti uudistes on KESKUSe projekti edu ja arengut mitmesti kajastatud viimaste kuude jooksul. Projekt äratab uhkust, äratundmist ja uudishimu Eestis, et üleilmne eestlus on tulevikku suunitlet, jõuline ja ajaga kaasas käiv.
Aktuaalne kaamera: Estonia's public broadcaster, Eesti Rahvusringhääling, reported on the KESKUS ceremonial groundbreaking in its national evening news broadcast (start at 13:30 marker) the day after the event itself (no subtitles). /// Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu "Aktuaalne kaamera" uudistes kajastati KESKUSe ehitustööde alustamist (alustada 13:30 minutist).

Hajala ringvaade: Estonia's public broadcaster, Eesti Rahvusringhääling reports weekly on diaspora news, with its radio program "Hajala ringvaade" ("Diaspora review"), which ended its 2021/2022 season with a show dedicated to KESKUS. Maarja Merivoo-Parro, the show's host interviewed Ellen Valter regarding KESKUS in the previous season as well. /// Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu Vikerraadio "Hajala ringvaate" hooaja viimasele saatele pani KESKUS International Estonian Centre punkti. Saatejuht Maarja Merivoo-Parro usutleb KESKUSe projektijuhti Ellen Valterit KESKUS International Estonian Centre'i viimase arengu kohta, täiendamaks saadet mis tehtud aasta varem.

Uudis+: Estonia's public broadcaster's current affairs program "Uudis+" (News+) interviewed KESKUS project lead Ellen Valter during the Estonian Culture Days in New York about the history of the KESKUS project and what the future holds for it. Listen here, alas, not dubbed into English. /// Eesti Rahvusringhäälingu aktuaalsete teemade saates Uudis+ 13. aprillil 2022, usutles Tõnu Karjatse Ellen Valterit KESKUSe tagamaade, saamisloo ja väljavaadete suhtes. Kuulata saab siit. Kui lugemine rohkem kontimööda, siis saab seda teha siin .
Global Estonian Report provides a weekly roundup of diaspora affairs, an effort shared by Estonia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Integratsiooni Sihtasutus. It appears in English on Estonia's public broadcaster's website weekly. The search function will pull up past weekly reports.
Global Estonian Newsletter is a monthly newsletter to which all can subscribe, to stay apprised of items like this month's launch of the MisKESKUS videogame and other goings-on in Estonia and abroad! For the Global Estonian site, set up your own event, business, group on the site, and if you need a 101 on how to do so, click here (have your favourite Estonian speaker handy to translate). KESKUS has already been featured numerous times in the newsletters. Sign up here! /// Eestlased üle maailma saidil on rikkalikult informatsiooni eestlusest ja eestlasteste tegemistest üleilma. Et enda uudiseid ja sündmusi üles riputada, on Välisministeerium valmistanud kiirkursuse, jälgitav siit. Pane end ka uudiskirja saajaks!
Get involved and support KESKUS
Please join our growing list of capital campaign donors. The KESKUS International Estonian Centre’s donor categories are Kalevipoja laud for gifts over $100,000 (including naming rights for specific areas), Koidula gild, which is from $50,000-99,999, Viru vanemad for gifts of $10,000-$49,999, and Kungla rahvas for gifts up to $10,000.
To make a donation, please call +1.647.250.7136 or email donations@estoniancentre.ca. Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All Canadian and U.S. donations will be issued a tax receipt.KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.
To follow the construction journey and for KESKUS updates:
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