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Why, oh why - Siri & Alexa, miks te ei saa aru?

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

Update/teade #160

Ever wonder why Siri, Alexa and others don't yet listen in Estonian? Turns out, it's up to us!

Right now, speech recognition tools in the Estonian language are still in the development stage but to help improve this, a new initiative is collecting audio samples from as many participants as possible, and that includes those outside of Estonia too.

Oma kõnet on oodatud annetama nii eesti keelt emakeelena, eesti keelt võõrkeelena kui ka erinevaid eesti murdekeeli kõnelevad inimesed

Wanted: YOUR most natural Estonian

The language project is called “Anneta kõnet” (“donate your speech”) and it needs all of us, regardless of how well we speak Estonian. Every snippet helps improve Estonian speech technology solutions as spontaneous speech recordings in Estonian, slang, dialects etc are collected. You too can contribute by recording yourself speaking your most natural Estonian using a microphone via desktop, smartphone or tablet. The donated audio samples will be used to help make voice technologies like Siri and Alexa more robust in Estonian whether we're in KESKUS or Saaremaa, and help researchers in the study, preservation and evolution of the Estonian language.

And bonus: this project will also improve access to services in Estonian for those with visual or hearing impairments.

Annetatud kõnematerjal transkribeeritakse ehk viiakse teksti kujule ning kõnematerjali ja sellele vastavat tekstilist materjali kasutatakse eesti kõnetehnoloogia lahenduste edasiarendamiseks ja teadustöö eesmärgil. Laiemas mõttes saab projekti tulemitest kasu kogu Eesti ühiskond. Kõnetehnoloogia lahenduste arendamise läbi muutub nii riigi- kui ka erasektori asutustega suhtlemine inimesele lihtsamaks ning kiiremaks.

The machine learning-based speech project was launched in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the State Information System Board. The project is financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

How to? The process is straightforward:

To participate, visit the Anneta kõnet website, verify that you're over 18 and start recording right away. You can choose a category you’d like to speak about, such as sports, nature or culture, and start speaking. No sign-up or user registration is required. Each topic even has some helpful prompts to help your monologue flow.

Väga on oodatud ka erinevate eesti murdekeelte valdajad. Kõne annetamine on lihtne. Vali siit teema ning asu rääkima!

Speak your most natural Estonian, so machine learning tools as robust as they can be! More info on how to donate at the project homepage.

And, speaking of donations... / ja kui juba annetustest rääkida ...

Help continue the journey, a home for our friendships, in KESKUS!

Please join the growing list of capital campaign donors to take KESKUS construction through to opening! The KESKUS International Estonian Centre’s donor categories are Kalevipoja laud for gifts over $100,000 (including naming rights for specific areas), Koidula gild, which is from $50,000-99,999, Viru vanemad for gifts of $10,000-$49,999, and Kungla rahvas for gifts up to $10,000.

To make a donation, please call +1.647.250.7136 or email Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All Canadian, Estonian and U.S. donations will be issued a tax receipt.KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.

To follow the construction journey and for KESKUS updates:


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