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Construction update August 2024

Update / Teade # 221

KESKUS International Estonian Centre construction progress report

The basement of the heritage building perimeter walls were 'poured' with shotcrete on "Jaanipäev" aka summer solstice. Work continues on the connection between the existing heritage basement and the new basement already constructed. /// Muinsuskaitsealuse hoone keldri välisseinad said Jaanipäeval n.ö. valatud ehk pritsitud toorbetooniga. Jätkuvad tööd olemasoleva muinsuskaitsealuse keldri ja juba ehitatud uue keldri vahelise ühenduse loomisel.

Structural steel and wood components will be added to the heritage house and specifically to the main floor, to ensure an assembly floor rating, a use designation that means it can take more weight. This is particularly important as this bistro space will double as a performance and gathering area. /// Muinsuskaitsealuse maja tänavakorrusele lisatakse terasest ja puidust konstruktsioonikomponente tagamaks kasutustähise, mis tähendab, et põrandapind võtab vastu rohkem kaalu. See on eriti oluline, kuna see pind on bistroos esinemis- ja kogunemisala.

The caisson and pile caps along the southern edge of the site were poured in early June and the grade beams designed to support the transfer slab that will bear the weight of the building and the courtyard are being formed for pouring around the end of August. The post-tensioning cables are now threaded through the beams that await concrete. /// Objekti lõunaserval asuvad kessoonid valati juuni alguses ning hoone ja hoovi raskust kandva ülekandeplaadi toestamiseks kavandatud astmetalad on vormimisel, valmides valamiseks augusti lõpus. Järelpingutuskaablid on nüüd keermestatud läbi talade, mis ootavad betooni.

The second phase of the TTC tunnel remediation is underway. Structural steel is about to enter production. /// TTC parandustööde teine ​​etapp on käigus ning konstruktsiooniteras on peagi tootmisse jõudmas.

Construction site
Eastern half of main floor of KESKUS from 2nd floor of heritage house, July 24 2024 Far left opening is the main stairwell and opening just to the left of centre is the elevator shaft.

Northern Birch Credit Union board members, CEO and CFO on site July 23, 2024

Sincere thanks goes to the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario for its support of courtyard construction, read more about this generous support here. /// Siiras tänu Kanada valitsusele FedDev Ontario kaudu praeguste ehitustööde toetamise eest. Lisateavet selle helde toetuse kohta lugege siit.

KESKUS International Estonian Centre in downtown Toronto will be a dynamic hub showcasing our rich heritage and promoting Estonian innovation. It will be a vibrant gathering place for Estonians of all generations and backgrounds to connect, celebrate, and share our culture and achievements with each other and the world.

Stay abreast of project progress by signing up for the newsletter here. /// Pane end kirja uudiskirja saajaks siin ja jälgi ehituse kulge!.


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Please join the growing list of KESKUS capital campaign donors to help bring KESKUS to completion. KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.

There are many ways to make a contribution to KESKUS. 

  • To donate, click here, or call +1.647.250.7136 or email Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All donations are issued a tax receipt, in Canada via Estonian Arts Centre, US tax receipts via Myriad USA and Estonian tax receipts via Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fond. Donations by credit card may be made here.

  • Legacy gifts made to the Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS, are creative and tax-effective ways to provide support. These are known as “planned gifts” because with thoughtful planning, we create a win-win situation that benefits both you and our community for generations to come.  Find out how to provide a bequest in your will by going to

  • For information on making other types of planned gifts, including gifts of appreciated securities or insurance policies, or if you have any other questions, please contact EAC Donations Manager Taimi Hooper via email at or phone +1.647.250.7136.

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  • Follow us on Facebook @EestiKeskus, X @keskus, Instagram @keskus.iec


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