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KESKUS August 2023 construction update

Update / Teade #184

KESKUS construction over the summer continues on the underground work. As the TTC works through its analysis of tunnel remediation design, underground work is proceeding in other areas. /// KESKUSe objekti suvi edeneb töökalt, jätkates maa-aluste töödega. Kuna TTC kätes tiksub tunnelite parandamise plaan, maa-alused tööd jätkuvad teistes valdkondades.

With the deep foundation work already far behind us, the shallow foundation work continues to create the basement spaces that will house the 1600sq.ft. community room, meeting rooms, storage spaces and mechanical and electrical areas. Underneath those spaces will by the systems that ensure that the basement is protected from ground- and stormwater. /// Kuna süvavundamenditööd on põhjalikult seljatatud, jätkuvad madalad vundamenditööd keldriruumide loomiseks, kuhu tulevad kogukonnaruum, koosolekuruumid, laoruumid ning mehaanilis- ja elektrialad. Nende ruumide all asuvad süsteemid, mis tagavad keldri kaitse põhja- ja sademevee eest.

With the delivery of massive sump pits (the huge green fibreglass pipes/tanks) work is now underway to instal sub grade services. Groundwater management resolution requires installation of these pits and a network of collection piping around the perimeter of foundations and subway tunnels. /// Massiivsete klaaskiust torude/paakide saabumisega on käimas töö maaaluste teenuste paigaldamiseks. Põhjavee lahendamine nõuab nende süvendet kogumistorustiku paigaldamist vundamentide ja metrootunnelite perimeetri ümber.

This continues Phase I of construction and the next months will see formwork and TTC tunnel remediation and waterproofing. /// See jätkab ehituse I etappi ja järgmistel kuudel toimub raketuse ja TTC tunneli tööd ja nende hüdroisolatsioon.

Sincere thanks goes to the Government of Canada through FedDev Ontario for its support of courtyard construction, read more about this generous support here. /// Siiras tänu Kanada valitsusele FedDev Ontario kaudu praeguste ehitustööde toetamise eest. Lisateavet selle helde toetuse kohta lugege siit.

Read more about the project by signing up for the newsletter here. /// Pane end kirja uudiskirja saajaks siin.

Get involved and help support our future

Please join our growing list of capital campaign donors to help bring this extraordinary project to completion.

The KESKUS International Estonian Centre’s donor categories are Kalevipoja laud for gifts over $100,000 (including naming rights for specific areas), Koidula gild, which is from $50,000-99,999, Viru vanemad for gifts of $10,000-$49,999, and Kungla rahvas for gifts up to $10,000. KESKUS leadership donors are recognized here.

To make a donation, please call +1.647.250.7136 or email Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All donations are issued a tax receipt, in Canada via Estonian Arts Centre, US tax receipts via KBFUS and Estonian tax receipts via Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fond.

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  • Sign up for the KESKUS monthly email newsletter

  • Follow us on Facebook @EestiKeskus, Twitter @keskus, Instagram @keskus.iec


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