Estonian Arts Centre (EAC) is the charity associated with KESKUS International Estonian Centre currently in construction in the heart of Toronto, North America's 4th largest city. EAC promotes development of KESKUS in which to further its charitable objects, and these include promotion and support of the arts, multiculturalism, preservation of literary, musical and visual arts and the welfare and education of artists. Read about EAC's rich history of charitable programming since 1975, on the KESKUS blog here.
EAC is Estonia's representative and founding member of the European Union National Institutes of Culture Toronto cluster and holds the seat of vice-president. Read more here.
Estonian Arts Centre (EAC) on Põhja-Ameerika suuruselt 4. linna Toronto südamesse rajatava KESKUS International Estonian Centre'iga seotud heategevusorganisatsioon. EAC edendab KESKUSe arendamist, et läbi viia oma heategevuslikke eesmärke, sealhulgas kunstide edendamine ja toetamine, multikultuursus, kirjandusliku, muusikalise ja kujutava kunsti säilitamine ning kunstnike tugi ja haridus. Loe EAC läbiviidud sündmustest KESKUSe blogist siit.
EAC on European National Institues of Culture Toronto klastri asutajaliige ja selle asepresident, esindades Eesti Instituuti. Sellest loe rohkem siin.
Upcoming events:
Heritage and textile arts (ongoing):
"Käsitöö lounge"
Do you have käsitöö on the go that needs motivation or advice? You're not alone!
Bring your project (and why not a snack to share) and join the "Käsitöö Lounge" 7-9pm at Tartu College, 3 Madison Avenue in Toronto on:
October 30, 2024
November 20, 2024

Recent events:
What a hoot! Estonian Arts Centre's third NPÄ was held on September 12-15, 2024 at Jõekääru, Udora, Ontario.
NPÄ welcomed mixed pairs registered for Tantsupidu, (hence the "Samm Nou Pois Äläud") and over 70 dancers, ranging in age from 14-78 put on a spectacular performance on the Sunday of the retreat, with over half sporting newly made 'pastlad' on their feet. Read more here.
Järgmine peatus, pöidlad pihku ...Tantsupidu 2025! Aitäh Ellen, Marika, Agne, Ave, Külli, Katrin & Katrin - NPÄst saab lugeda pikemalt siin.​
Thanks to: Estonian Arts Centre, Estonian Students Fund in USA, Inc., Estonian Foundation of Canada, Estonian Relief Committee in USA, Integration Foundation, Northern Birch Credit Union and Estonian American National Committee
Estonian Arts Centre's "Käsitöö Lounge: Pastlad workshop": make a pair specific to the width and length of your foot!
Katrin, an instructor with Estonian National Museum in Tartu, Estonia, will coach you through making your very own pair of pastlad and give you an overview of their history. Katrin says anyone can make 'em, and she'll prep materials so that 4 hours later, you'll be polka'ing out of Tartu College (thank you TC, for donating the space) in your bespoke pastlad!
If you have these tools, please bring: awl, 10mm chisel, old wooden cutting board or other wooden base into which dents can be made, hammer.
CDN$85 for materials, instruction. Some snacks provided. Sign up by Sept 8 here. First come first served - registration limited to eight participants to ensure individual attention.

FILMIST Stuudio: Vancouver, August 19-22, 2024, presented together with SAESC.EKÜK
Generously supported by:

March Break filmmaking studio, ages 12-17:
Film festival in Hamilton & Toronto:
MisKESKUS video game!

Estonian Arts Centre's "MisKESKUS" video game is a unique and fun voyage of discovery while learning basic Estonian words!
MisKESKUS will have you discovering the classrooms, community room and halls of Estonian Arts Centre's new home KESKUS - solve challenges and learn basic Estonian. You might even recognise someone you know! This game was created by young Estonians - game developers, teachers - for young Estonians of every age (6+)​.
The game is available and suitable for all aged 6+ to enjoy! Laptop or desktop needed to play. The game is downloaded onto your system. The game can be downloaded for free, here.