KESKUS International Estonian Centre in downtown Toronto will be a dynamic hub showcasing our rich heritage and promoting Estonian innovation. It will be a vibrant gathering place for Estonians of all generations and backgrounds to connect, celebrate, and share our culture and achievements with each other and the world. (Opening spring 2025)
Toronto kesklinna rajatav KESKUS International Estonian Centre tutvustab meie rikkalikku pärandit ja edendab Eesti innovatsiooni. See on elujõuline kooskäimise paik, kus erinevatest põlvkondadest erineva taustaga eestlased saavad üksteisega lävida ja pühitseda koos tähtsündmusi ning jagada meie kultuuri ja saavutusi nii omavahel kui ka terve maailmaga. (Avamine kevad 2025)
​Welcome! Teretulemast!
The new International Estonian Centre, KESKUS, to be located at 9 Madison Avenue in downtown Toronto will be an architecturally significant landmark, enticing Estonians from around the world to gather. It will consolidate the largest Estonian community in Canada and reinforce the North American Estonian diaspora.
Southern Ontario is home to one of the largest communities of Estonians in the world outside of Estonia and a hub for North American Estonians. We have contributed to Canada’s cultural diversity and economic success for more than 70 years. Our forefathers and mothers worked hard to build a new life and familiar institutions when they arrived in North America with little more than a suitcase of memories to help them get started. What was once a carbon copy of life in Estonia has evolved over the decades and generations to reflect a diverse community of those with Estonian heritage. This community actively engages with multicultural Toronto, with diaspora Estonian communities around the world, and with Estonia itself. KESKUS will reflect and encourage the continued evolution of what it means to be Estonian.
You can find more information on KESKUS on this, including Frequently Asked Questions and in regular updates and articles posted to the News/Events page, eesti keelseid uudiseid siit. Please join the KESKUS Facebook page to get the latest updates and sign up here for the monthly newsletter. The KESKUS email address is info@estoniancentre.ca.
Please become a donor to this ambitious and significant project. Donations are tax receipted, donations of publicly traded securities are a tax efficient way to give, and leadership level gifts can be paid over time. Read more here, anneta siitkaudu.
For the history and evolution of KESKUS International Estonian Centre, click here, and this is a time to look ahead, now that sale of the Estonian House in Toronto has closed. We have a tremendous opportunity to create an exciting future for the diaspora Estonian community, right in the heart of North America's 4th largest city. It is a future that will ignite new ideas, new relationships and new possibilities.
Mark your calendar for spring 2025, when KESKUS opens!
International Estonian Centre Inc. board
Estonian Arts Centre board